Utility Cost Management LLC
Utility Cost Management LLC (UCM) reduces utility costs through the analysis of data, rates, and the regulations that govern utility providers in California and across the country.
Products and Services offered by Utility Cost Management LLC
Utility Bill Analysis Service
UCM analyzes utility bills to identify charges that do not comply with the rules and regulations that govern utility providers in California and across the country.
Regulatory Intervention Services
UCM clients benefit when UCM changes the way utility companies interpret and apply their own rates.
Rate and Regulatory Consulting Services
UCM provides objective analysis of projected outcomes of energy-efficiency projects.
About Utility Cost Management LLC
Since 1991, Utility Cost Management LLC has been helping large utility customers to reduce utility expenses though the informed application of utility data and regulations. UCM has generated over $250 million in refunds and savings for a wide variety of clients.
UCM has represented clients in landmark regulatory proceedings which have altered the way electric utility companies interpret and apply their own rates. It has been a driving force in the formulation and adoption of new regulations that have benefited tens of thousands of utility customers. And its work has been the impetus for change in the way that many municipal utilities impose and collect water fees, sewer fees, and utility user taxes.